Aquatechnex will be assisting ISDA target Eurasian Milfoil in Priest Lake, Idaho

On May 20th, Idaho State Department of Agriculture Noxious Weed Specialists presented preliminary work plans for Eurasian Milfoil in Bonner County for 2010 to the County Invasive Species Task Force.  Milfoil control work is being funded by an appropriation from the Idaho State Legislature and ISDA biologists want to put a considerable amount of their focus on Priest Lake this summer.  This pristine water body has small infestations in three locations that will be a primary target of control efforts.  The State also wants to perform extensive monitoring this summer to determine if the plant has spread beyond these sites.

One of the challenging aspects on Priest Lake is the water movement in the system.  Internal and wind driven currents can reduce the contact time of treatment.  The Department and the Applicator will work to develop a plan to maximize contact time during the treatment window this summer.

ISDA did advertise a Request for Quotation for professional aquatic plant management specialists to perform this work.  AquaTechnex was selected as the successful respondent to that call.  Aquatechnex will be maintaining a project blog at to keep the community informed of progress during the summer.

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